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Finally, Gentle Assistance to Nasal Breathing that does NOT cover Lips!

Easy to use, safe and hyopallergenic, MyoTape gently encirlces the mouth with a soft material, bringing lips together with a delicate, elastic tension that helps teach the brain to switch dominance to nasal breathing when the lips are gently held together.

For children over fours years old, adults, CPAP users, snorers and non-snorers!

Designed by internationally renowned breathing coach, author of the Oxygen Advantage and TedX speaker, Patrick McKeown, MYOTAPE safely brings the lips together to support and restore nasal breathing during wakefulness and sleep.

  • Prevent mouth snoring
  • Help focus, improve sleep quality and reduce fatigue
  • Improve sleep apnea and support CPAP
  • Improve dental health

** Box comes with 90 strips (3 month supply)

MyoTape (actual color varies)

  • Weight -  0.1875 lbs

    Dimensions - 5 × 8 × .75 in

  • Your safety and satisfaction is our number one priority.  In order to protect you and the integrity of our products, we do NOT accept returns or exchanges so you can feel confident all products are safe and sanitary.  Therefore, please select your items carefully.  We encourage you to contact us if you have questions before making your final purchase.

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