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Spot Pal™ - $199 Retail price (deposit of $100 required for processing)


Ordering is easy:

Step 1: Add Spot Pal to your Myo Made Easy cart

Step 2: Check out with Myo Made Easy and place your $100 deposit for your Spot Pal

Step 3: You will receive an email upon completion of your purchase with Myomadeasy.

             Follow the link and directions within this email to complete your Spot Pal order.



What does the Spot Pal™ do?

Spot Pal is a tongue training appliance that teaches proper lingual resting posture, supports the retention of the dental occlusion, supports the elimination of a tongue thrust, and discourages unhealthy oral habits including thumb/finger sucking, tongue sucking, and nail-biting.


Step 1: Add Spot Pal to your Myo Made Easy cart

Step 2: Check out with Myo Made Easy and place your deposit for your Spot Pal

Step 3: You will receive an email upon completion of your purchase with Myomadeasy.

Follow the link and directions within this email to complete your Spot Pal order.


Spot Pal is for anyone 2 years of age and older (cannot be worn with braces or during active palatal expansion) and has the following benefits: improves nasal breathing, articulation, occlusion and retention. Spot Pal also supports restful sleep and reduces symptoms associated with TMJ/D. Spot Pal can be worn at night or during the day.


Each Spot Pal purchase comes with an 8 week exercise program.


Spot Pal™ Deposit ($100)

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